[The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, BUT the GODLY are as bold as LIONS. Proverbs 28:1]

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beauty in the Highest...

After hanging around Pandora listening to random praise and worship music I have to conclude that God's been trying to tell me something. Hey gave me a word and that word was: Beautiful. Then I thought of what beautiful might mean to me?
So when I think beautiful off the top of my head I think of a beautiful woman, flowers, the sky, smiles, water, music, romance, kisses, and I guess the list could go on. What is it that we constitute as beauty or beautiful?

Webster's dictionary defines Beautiful as this: 
1: having qualities of beauty : exciting aesthetic pleasure
2: generally pleasing : excellent
beau·ti·ful·ly adverb
beau·ti·ful·ness noun

And I guess for what I was going for was "Beauty" Which is defined as this:
beauty noun beauties plural.
1: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness
2: a beautiful person or thing; especially : a beautiful woman 

It's gotta be different for everyone, right? I mean because everyone has their own ideas, ideas, and what not...so the vast crazy ideas of what beautiful is crazy and well in to the millions.
I gotta say though, that other than what I think is beautiful isn't all that God asked me to meditate on today. But just how beautiful His creations are in their uniqueness and the art of complexity He's able to create.

It helps that today is just an awesome example of good weather here in Texas. It's sunny outside and clear skies. The sun is out and shining out with warmth. There shouldn't any reason for today not to be a glorious day. Today is the day, that he has made and I will rejoice and be glad it in...it says in Psalm's 118:24!

I don't know what and why this blog came about. I remember I had this saying..."there are far to many beautiful things in life to dwell or obsess in the things that steal your joys." I think that's very relevant.

My pastor put it best in one of his sermons. "Don't let your circumstances be contingent to your joy!"

Today Lord, my we fall to our knees and worship the beauty and your majesty. The great creator of all things that is on this earth. Blessed are we to have such access to the things we see, feel, hear, and experience. Beautiful, awesome and mighty! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that is from You! God, my center, my all, my commander! Amen!