In the military, a friend told me that you always have a second person with you at all times while out in combat. For obvious watch each others' backs for the enemy trying to sneak up on you or to help you in a fight. That person is your battle buddy. In Ecclesiastics 4:12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
I want to open with what's been a great tool and asset in my walk in faith. Accountability partners or what I call "Battle Buddy". We often hear the phrase at church camps and Sunday schools. In all honesty I never had one until earlier this year. I mean hardcore, real deal battle buddies. I actually have two battle buddies, Chris and JV, two great spiritual warriors. In which we pour out to each other our struggles in our faith, our victories, our failures and challenging each other.
Before I get any further let's define who is and where you can find an battle buddy.
Who is your Battle Buddy:
A battle buddy is someone who is there to CHALLENGE you, HELP you overcome your struggles, PRAY for you, TRUST, and most importantly UNDERSTANDS spiritual warfare. We as Christian's have signed up for the most difficult lifestyle. It's going to be a bumpy road full of obstacles in our way.Your gonna need some help.
Where you can find a Battle Buddy:
Your battle buddy can be your closest friend, your brother, your classmate in Sunday school...etc. No it can't be your pet turtle or your dog. Preferably a real living, breathing, human being who is sold out for God. It can really be anyone. At the same time, your accountability partner can't be just anyone. I also want to include that I feel that naturally it should be guy/guy and girl/girl. Generally girls understand girl stuff better than a guy would and vice versa... I encourage you to pray for who can be your battle buddy. Because you need genuine commitment to become someone's battle buddy and definitely both be seeking to grow in their own personal faith. Just like I said, really seek God to provide you with a battle buddy.
Okay, so now...I have a battle buddy, now what?
Easy...pour out. You've got to be honest with your battle buddy about struggles in your life or how else can they help you or pray for you. Sharing is the best way to over come sometimes. Or sometimes you just need a friendly reminder that "hey, have you read your bible today?" JV and I go back and forth usually sharing scripture we find during our quiet times. Often times I share my victories with my battle buddies, how I've defeated temptation or overcome a struggle in my life. Its not always about sharing our short comings but our victories as well! There are great things to over see as a battle buddy.
I guess I should share a bit about my battle buddies... :)
Chris C. - is a great guy, with a great family and an even greater perspective of what it's like to be worldly and then to what it is to be a Christian man. He's really a great influence in my life aside from being a spiritual battle buddy. He has a great knowledge of just a bunch of stuff and he's basically like an open book. Which by the way if it was really a book. It would be a really big book with lots of crazy awesome stories and down right hilarity written all over it. lol...I could go on, but maybe in another blog because it would it would have to be dedicated solely for just Chris. lol
Then there's JV. Another great guy, we're about the same age give or take a year I think. We've actually been friends for a long long time growing up together. Being Filipino and both living in the same town of course it was only natural that our folks would come meet at other Filipino functions and you guessed it so did the kids. It was completely by random that we became battle buddies and from then on we've been fighting the good fight day in and day out. He has far greater bible knowledge then I do and when it comes to me ranting about scripture he always there to be like..."oh yeah, that one in...says..." lol
Both of the gentlemen are my accountability partners because I believe God purposed them in my life and they both posses different strengths. Chris plugged me in to Crosby Church where a lot of great and wonderful things have happened I must say. JV a long time friend who I've never really talked to in the past is now one of the people I tell some really deep stuff too. It's these kinds of relationships that help us to work through things that we can't do alone. Sometimes just to make sure that we're flying straight we need to talk to someone who knows what our battles are or maybe might be even themselves struggling with the same things.
I know I've said a lot...and probably floated off topic a bit here and there. I really want to challenge you to pray about Accountability partner, a battle buddy, to help you with your faith. We fight the good fight, but we forget that we're not the only ones fighting out there. I believe greater things can be used with this tool.
God be our center.
Thanks for taking the time to share your perspective. One thing that i really need to work on is being vulnerable, being open. As we continue to be in the fight together i hope that i can learn to share more of myself.