[The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, BUT the GODLY are as bold as LIONS. Proverbs 28:1]

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dear 25...

Well, it's been an interesting 25th year in my life. There was a lot to learn and see at 25. I guess that means I'm out of that "quarter life crisis" now that I'm flipping the number to 26. I started out my birthday I guess with exactly what every birthday should; with friends and people who care about you all around. Oh and cake, of course! It was a nice surprise! I send a special thanks to the Crain Family for surprising me with a cake tonight during youth. I honestly wasn't expecting it. Good one guys, good one.

So with year 25 over and 26 well on it's way, 3 hours and 25mins in...It's been wonderful so far. As with I guess any other age it doesn't seem any different from 24, 23, 22...and 25. Of course I'm enjoying the shower of "Happy Birthday" notifications I'm receiving on Facebook. Ha.
A friend of mine in one of the posts said..."It's gonna be a great year!" I believe it. I refuse to go backwards and who wants to take steps backwards anyway? There is lot of new experiences to be had and well lots of people to meet. The fire department is hiring again and I'm on the list. I'm ready for a career and I'm ready for life to give me 100 percent of what it's got to give.

So, cheers 25! It was an interesting year, good knowing ya. Here's to 26, may you be a wonderful year indeed full of potentials and wonderful things!

The Lord, he is my strength and he is my guiding light. Thank you for your love and your grace and for the purposes you've put in my life. I wait patiently for whatever you have in store for me. God my center!

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